Thinking the same thing... [img] Coach, don't you be embaresin my boy and my family. You want me to swim down there and slap you up side da...
Good Luck Tubby! [img] Be sure and use these, they might help.
[img] Hey, I care. What did he say about me again? Nick, don't hate!
Heard Buddy say he thought the dynamic duo were headed to "Little Havana". [img] Yes Nick, right away. Be there in a jiffy! Buddy also...
Were those the same officials who worked the Pistons-Pacers game back in November? I didn't think Va. Tech played like that. I don't think that...
[img] 2003 - Hey, that's not fair. We won it too, let's share. [img] [img] 2004 - Yea, only the BCS winner is fit. Watch out Pete, you're...
ditteaux that
Hey Tubby, read this book and take a few bottles of these tablets. [img] [img] ..or just geaux back and watch the freakin tape....
What Brady said was "Winning is a habit, unfortunately so is losing". [img] [img]
Also just saw this clip again on SportsCenter. [img] "This is what the greatest thing about sports is: You play to win the game,'' he said....
[img] Very good book.
He came back later and added that... Doesn't really matter anyway.
I might join you. Thinking about watching grass grow. [img]
I was thinking about it....
Did you listen to the entire game? Any info/thoughts about what happened or didn't happen?
I know, just picking at you...:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
final score yet? don't feel like getting up and turning on the radio...
Mike T. is saying "first time Auburn goes undefeated", with Terry Bowden sitting right next to him! I guess Terry didn't tell him he's wrong....
Somebody sleeping on the job again... [img] :hihi:HEY DBs WAKE UP!!!:hihi: