This was going to be my .02 cents on the subject, but since Martin already stated it I will just quote him on it. This is so prevelent in...
Finally a part of your post I do not disagree with :lol: Just kidding, but thanks for sharing that.
Yes I understand this, but my main point was that it was good publicity for LSU. Thanks for your insight. This is the first time I ever remember seeing a chancellor position make national news, but here is LSU pulling off that feat. Of...
I myself have a problem with reporters making news, but for two reasons this case does not bother me. I think it is because: 1) The soldier still...
BayAreaTiger - I barely know you and I choked up reading that. I am very sorry to hear about your mom, but I know she will take comfort in you...
No excuse can justify voting all 3 USC players when Dwayne Jarrett has not had a whiff of being mentioned as a candidate. The reasons to hate USC...
What a POS. He is doing piss poor this year and I could not be happier. Do not let his one good game against the ravens fool you. It was wrong to...
its the best player on the best team. But this will not be true if Leinart wins. Also do not forget Alex Smith rushed for 10 TD's as well.
Bush is USC's MVP in my mind, and it is not even close. When teams prepare I would bet the number 1 agenda for the defensive coordinator is how do...
That McDonald's loving bastard also criticized LSU for getting the nod in the sugar bowl last year. So while most of the venom was spewed towards...
Skip Bertman AD recently stated that no team has contacted him to talk to Saban. So that first step has not been taken by your Dolphins, and who...
Honestly I was very surpised that the spread was that high. I think LSU wins by 3. 17-14
His methodology is 'urban warfare'. Be prepared to hear this stupid little catch phrase ad nauseum from the gator faithful.
When are you going to break the news that the atmosphere is part oxygen? J/J - but this is old news.
Yeah, cause Texas looked awesome against Kansas!!
My initial reaction was to simply dismiss this as more Pac-10 bitching, but after this line from the story, it is likely that some of these...
The sad thing is you are not that far off the mark with the BCS comment. The gov't threatened to get involved in that too :thumb:
I absolutely agree with you Martin. I voted against this guy even though I am as GOP as it gets. To threaten gov't involvement is pathetic. But it...
Dating back to last year that sight has been a no nonsense sight that always gives LSU its due and asks all the questions a typical fan would ask....