If it weren't for Political Correctness, Title IX and all the other B.S., you'd never see Women's anything. It's merely a "loss leader" to get...
It was all a TAF scam. They WANTED the PMAC to get into a near deplorable state. That way they could go to the Legislature and announce that...
Re: Re: Thoughts on Dale Brown .......... It's more that he keeps INSULTING our (or should I say, "my") intelligence by insisting he did...
After hearing about Dale's continuing to insist that nothing unethical happened in the Lester Earl recruiting, I've come to the conclusion that we...
When I was at LSU, I use to go to many of the basketball games. One year, the team had a freshman who the students would laugh at, make fun of...
How 'bout - Macon Bacon. Their mascot(s) can be two pigs (boy and girl, of course) getting it on.
Hopefully, one day, Ball State will merge with Bowling Green to form Bowling Ball University.
Funny story on college nicknames. A friend (LSUBeav) and I were discussing different college nicknames during the College World Series. While...
For High School, Uncle Gus went to St. Stanislaus, home of the Rockachaws. In case you don't know what a Rockachaw is, it is one of those...
A law school friend's wife said it best -- don't worry about the absurdity of what these "kids" are spouting - they're just mimicing they're "out...
No. The Dean you are referring to is Dean Bollinger (or, as we use to refer to him "Dean Surferboy" - he looked like a middle aged Robert Redford...
WHat is ABUNDENTLY CLEAR is that the strive for DIVERSITY. Unfortunately, they seek Diversity of Sight (where all the different colors of the...
First let me say that I am a Republican who will vote Republican 99 times out of 100. BUT, I'm also pro-choice (although not RADICALLY). I...
I saw on ESPN this morning where Kordell Stewart has publicly stated that he will not back up Rex Grossman and will demand a trade from Chicago if...
Both Phelps and A&R have hired former political guys as "consultants" or as "of counsel" lawyers. From reading the link below, he had been with...
The Pencil Sketch looks NICE. Unfortunately, artists seem to have a VERY hard time doing the LSU football helmet due to the lettering and...
BTW, I had someone "in the know" tell me that Mark was going after that THIRD TERM so hard due to the fact that he KNEW what they would find once...
Actually, it was Jacques Morial's (brother of Mark) apartment that they raided. According to Sybil Morial, they took a battering ram and broke...
Start off with Willie being disappointed that the Jail didn't send him a private jet, but only sent him an armored van with bars (and I don't mean...
You brought it up. You were the one that said he was impeached for having an affair with an intern. NOW, answer the questions. But, if you...