I havent heard much about Ali Highsmith until I read the Purple and Gold magazine. Does anyone have any inside info on this kid?
Does anyone have an LSU Screensaver? Or can anyone make on and send it to me? Please post with any ideas.
[IMG] I don't know how to make this funny yet, so I will see if anyone else can do some Adobe magic on fixing this up.
http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/index I love the fact that LSU has been ESPN and many other sites highlight to showcase as their top stories. :D...
Herman Johnson (OL, 6'7", 360) from Denton, Texas announced a few minutes ago from his high school fieldhouse that he will be attending LSU....
I sadly feel like a little girl anxiously awaiting for Britney Spears to come out on stage or something. COME ON HERM!!!
Its 9:38 a.m. He is supposed to announce any minute...Has anyone heard anything?
Has anyone heard anything about Shyrone Carey? For some reason I remember hearing he may transfer? I sure hope not, I'd loving seeing us have a...
When is the senior bowl??? and is it on tv?
Who is Ramah?, I've been posting here awhile but I guess I never paid attention. Whats so special about him?
Its our road traveling group .
You have to give all the props in the world to Michael Clayton and he deserves to leave and show his stuff in the NFL. Especially with having a 2...
Wrap up: Saban: Didn't watch Rose Bowl. Tired of talking about that game. Thinks OU has an excellent team. Players: Praised OU's team for...
CHANNEL 37!!!!!
Dandy Don said this... ESPN will do a live show today (Friday) from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on the Tigers from the Super Dome, and Friday at...
I was just looking at LSU's commitments on Rivals.com (pic below) and I'm wondering why even sign Jacob Hester a two star running back? Are...
I just thought this was too funny not to add
I got one :D
I'm sure I could have spent a hell of a lot more time on this. I just wanted to get the ball rolling and see if anyone can come up with anything good.