If you want revenge, life in prison is the best thing. Which would you rather have--your own cell away from the general population, a fancy...
I don't think OU is a pushover. I do think LSU has the upper hand because we have a brutal pass rush and a great running game.
Wasn't there an allegation that the head of the INS buried evidence of Elian's father being coerced? She should have to live in Cuba.
Another sign God's a Tiger fan--the priests are wearing purple and gold.
The orange alert might indeed help by letting them know we're on to them so they back off. The problem is, at some point you have to go back...
Ruby Ridge happened in 1992. But I'm sure it's still Clinton's fault somehow or other. I will, however, give you Elian.
I wouldn't mind seeing the Libertarians on economics. The Republicans are no better than the Democrats when it comes to big spending. Harry...
I think Saddam had them. He used them in the past and never provided any evidence he destroyed them. The delay in finding them just means it...
Tax raises should do their damage just as fast. If your paycheck suddenly gets smaller you'll feel the pinch right away and cut back on your...
By that standard, the crappy Carter economy was really the fault of Ford and Nixon and the Reagan boom was the result of Carter's policies....
Bias? I hope you can do better than that. That's all about how bitter Bernie Goldberg is over his career. There's a former Fox employee who...
???? What about Vitter's wife? I don't know anything about her.
LOL, good one!! I wish I had the money to start my own network. My two main policies would be: 1) All news coverage would be REAL news. No...
The best player to counter that satement with is Steve McNair. I'd say McNair is the best quarterback in the NFL with the possible exception of...
What in Franken's book was not a fact? I've asked several conservatives on several message boards that question and have never gotten an...
Wait, isn't the important stuff Laci, Kobe, and Jacko? I bet if Jacko had skipped off to Mexico while W was having the press conference...
Fox doesn't tell it like it is either. Al Franken's book documents some of their lies and distortions in detail. In fact, people who rely...
The GOP will almost certainly find a way to bungle this opportunity. I just hope Ieyoub isn't the beneficiary.
Same with the drinks--I saw something on this board earlier (might have been this thread) about 300-pound men getting knocked out by a Hurricane....
Our poli sci depeartment is ranked 74th in one of the polls, but a lot higher in all the other rankings. Our best is 19th, and the most accurate...