yes bengal B . .I will bet you. Name the amount. I love it . .1st LSU fans think that Tubby is capable of allowing players to commit sexual...
sounds like that to me to. Scarbinsky and Finebuam are notorious for making sure neither bama nor Auburn feel to high on the horse. And you...
no, I'm confident our fans know we are the Tigers.
we are the Tigers, have always been the Tigers, and will always be the Tigers. Only our rivals are confused about who we are.
they don't look very updated to me. The 2001 season is way in the past . .
Well, I didn't give you the full breakdown: Born in Dallas Moved to Coral Springs, FL when I was 1 Moved to Mandeville, LA when I was 4...
Well, technically, I "grew up" in Connecticut (ages 9-college), but from 1980 - 1984 I lived in Mandeville, LA. It was during that time that my...
Having grown up an LSU fan (up until I started College), I have found it hard to shake my desire to see LSU Baseball succeed (unless of course you...
exactly, accept they don't always take the "best" team, often they take the team they feel will draw the most.
Our game was early, but I can't remember the exact time. My fiance (wife) went to Orlando and I remember having to get up WAY to early to head...
the #2 SEC Team does not necessarily have to be loser of the SECCG. Take Arkansas this year for example, they lost to UGA but then were demoted...
ChuckE - the quote about backing off in the game was in papers from Baton Rogue to Georgia - I'm surprised you didn't see it. Say what you...
MobileBengal - you make valid points, maybe I presented myself incorrectly. I don't think we underestimated USC - I'll use a different...
TexasTigers - my humble apology. I did assume it was you . .by bad.
Saban Fan - I agree 100%, but Notre Dame wasn't undefeated, they lost to Boston College last year. ChuckE - our pathethic coach is 2-1 against...
Auburn was nicknamed "The Tigers" because of a poem called by Oliver Goldsmith. The line was something to the tune of: "Where tigers wait to...
It was a post by texastiger (who I enjoy sparring about Tuberville with emmensely) . .on the thread at bama mag. Plus you can skim through this...
preseason polls don't mean squat? Really? Tell that to the 1993 Auburn Team, who regardless of going undefeated, still were only ranked 4th in...
I guarantee, that even if every game for the next 10 years goes like last year (i.e. - you can not find ONE dang thing to complain about) you guys...
Texastigers . .you think our players are classless . .in the last 2 years bama has had one player arrested for Armed Robbery, one for DUi and...