Yo mama! The bottom line is that Wells would be a AAA pitcher on the Sox; Ritchie had a chance to make our staff - he didn't - it's tough to...
My beef is that they do it for about 10 times the price that it would be if it it were a pure arms-length transaction in the private sector. AND...
I would buy that IF you stopped at criticizing abuses of the freedoms But the right doesn't: They prefer to sanction those who abuse freedom and...
Iraquis would be my first choice; the french my last choice. How about a full and complete sealed bid process, for starters. How about a group...
It is estimated that the greatest mistake the US made in its history, entering WWI, produced, among the 100,000+ dead Americans, 21,000 new...
Compared to the right wing in this country that hates freedom - absolutely loathes it, I'll take the actors. I'd prefer neither, but at least the...
gets the immense government contract to rebuild Iraq. What a surprise. What a bunch of slimeballs - the government contractor class. Hands in...
Congressed passed an immense cash handout to the oil companies Isn't that nice - the middle class struggles, but they have to finance the oil...
Economic - exactly a 0; -2.82 on the other question. A couple of the questions were strange.
2 weeks ago - the war would be won in 2 weeks. But the real issue is going to be the biggest sleazeballs who walk the face of the U.S....
Who cares if it's true? Let's blame Clinton. Didn't you know, 9/11 happened on Clinton's watch. Clinton, not a right-winged freak, blew up...
We probably did the right thing - I was never against the war But the reasons you cite are not the right reasons. If they are, hello Saudi Arabia.
isn't going to be the war, which we will win in a couple of weeks There were many objective reasons to start this war. However, the war was...
Re: Why let facts get in the way of the truth...? Isn't it amazing - as soon as this president takes over, we're attacked and the economy...
I see that you are from Breaux Bridge. If I am driving I 10 westbound and get off at the Breaux Bridge Exit, can you tell me how do I get to...
with Eagleburger on Fox today. Wished the spokespeople would just give facts and not rah rah. Honest when it came to his adm not ousting Sadaam....
Pius XII did some good things - he also signed an agreement with Hitler and the good things he did do should have and could have begun earlier.
Pius XII's predecessor, Pius XI, enacted policy that wasn't so friendly to the Jews.
Do you have a link to where AI claims the U.S is mistreating Iraquis?
Can't argue with that - a thin line it is. And it's hard to resist just pounding them considering their completely inhumane tactics.