Would you have been there to watch? Or would you be on your way out pissed off at the world, only to hear fans going nuts inside the stadium?
Thank God this game will be in Tiger Stadium! Who is gooing to start QB for y'all? Watts, Croyle, or will they alternate most of the game?
Screw anyone who says we didn't deserve to win! Your not an LSU fan if you think that enjoy the play it was great. Every great team needs a...
even if he never catches another pass everyone will forever remember his name! But I think Devery is on his way to great things.
hahahaha dude that sucks I cam so close, but for some reason I was like aww what the hell you never know! Here were my thoughts awww crap dude...
I am mad about today, but I will continue to support this team. If this one loss makes people want to jump back off the band wagon let them. I...
yep I thought the same thing, but tried convincing myself other wise. O well plenty of football left. I am gonna be at the Saints game tomorrow...
Trust me I haven't thought about giving up on LSU. I am just pretty mad right now. I know Saban is building something special, but the team was...
Who knows we will see I guess. Is today the loss that sparks the tigers on another win streak? God I hope so.
You finally think an LSU team is finally looking like they make a serious run at a national championship...They come out and stumble. Ughhhh it...
Man o man.
they were not great throws but he shoulda got both of them!
and thats all I have to say.
it was UT's retarded TE who said that after the Va Tech game. My my how things have changed since that game eh UT? Yea didn Florida kick y'all's ass??
yea the one with Abram in that see through shirt? ahhh hahahahahahaha funny stuff! Evangle idiots also think Brock got screwed at Florida....Hey...
Look out nation the Tigers are back.
sorry but I disagree with you on this one. That was Mauck that would zone in on one guy. Marcus seems to be able to spread the ball out alot better.
I love being an LSU fan!!!!
o maaaan you guys had me scared in that first half. Your rushing attack seemed impossible to stop. Best of luck to your team the rest of the season.