'Modest improvement' -- ROTFLMAO!! They turned over 10 governorships that their party did NOT hold and lost only a couple, and you call that...
From the news I see on Yahoo links, Tim Johnson held onto his seat in South Dakota which was the most direct confrontation between Daschle who...
My list was woefully inadequate as far as NEW Democratic governors The Democrats also ascended to power in the governorships of: Kansas...
As usual, the old GOP doesn't mind forgetting a few facts. If you believe them, the Democratic Party got whacked across the board. NOT SO!...
Excellent post and one more little item While the likes of a Clinton intimidated some people because he was a Rhodes scholar, etc., people see...
Sapling was forced to dump Harvey Pitt In fact, the White House as recently as 10 days ago was publicly supporting Pitt. Clinton and Levitt...
Actually, it was Pitt who just resigned and he was appointed by Sapling. And it was not Levitt, the previous SEC chairman under Clinton that...
With 61% of the vote in, she has moved from low 40's earlier to almost 50%.
Texas looks bad, BUT Arkansas looks good and Zogby had Strickland with a 10 point lead just 3 days ago. Also, Carnahan is doing better than...
Looks like the GOP has drilled their first dry hole. Remember when they were salivating over Torticelli's problems. Didn't matter -- Lautenberg...
Welcome Bengal Stan and good luck to the New Orleans Hornets(EOM) a
Name: Wayne Allard Last Position: USED to be US Senator from Colorado Reason for Leaving Job: Voters kicked my sorry ass out of office...
Not to mention the fingerprint match They have fingerprints from items in the convenience store related to the shootings in Montgomery, Alabama,...
Sorry, but I understand the press corps is too busy TUWho, I have in on good information that Jamaica will not be another Grenada. Bonzo was...
Hey Ellis and TigerSaint, GOOD POSTS!! You guys may have just turned the corner, one good post in a row for each. ;-) Although I wait until ALL...
Noticed the South Carolina race was governor's office The Democrats have a 'lead' (within the margin of error) in the South Carolina's governor's...
First, Wellstone who was SUPPOSED to be in trouble in MN is not. Wellstone is 9% ahead in his senate race. Alexander is 13 points ahead in TN...
Erskine Bowles her opponent has hammered away on Lizzie 'Budget Surplus Murderer' Dole's support of the privatization of social security. Once...
Zogby has Jebbie up by LESS than the margin of error and for someone who SUPPOSEDLY believes in free enterprise, I find it YOUR USUAL HYPOCRISY...