Actually I think Tennessee won the title with Tee Martin the season after Manning left. But your point it well taken.
No, you shouldn't be penalized for that. But you shouldn't be rewarded, either. Okay, so you're born into poverty, do what you can to get out of...
I stand corrected.
From what I can remember, he was a highly sought-after recruit in high school. I seem to remember Texas being upset that they missed out on him....
I'm guessing you just found that quote without diving into its context, because he was basically saying that if Washington was allowed to be the...
Nope. And that's not because I envy the rich. I just think that if you work hard and earn your income, you shouldn't be penalized for that. If...
That money could also be spent on updating/maintaining/fixing up our main bases that are falling apart. When I was at The Basic School back in...
Ehh, the Marines haven't needed nukes for 234 years and won't in the future. I think we've done a pretty good job of protecting this country. :thumb:
There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city;...
I 100% disagree with the assessment that Iraq was a "failure". Landmark elections were just held. Let's at least wait until we've left and how...
Prevention. I believe our presence abroad keeps some of those bigger countries (Russia, China, Iran) from further trying to take over their...
Ahh. Luckily Peter King writes for SI. I don't think he'd sell his soul for a job at ESPN, unlike some former great SI writers (ahem, Rick Reilly).
Who said anything about cutting?
Again, we don't just roll in and blow a town to hell and then leave it to rot. That's an easy way to get these people to keep hating us. I'm not...
The main thing I have a problem with is his vision on foreign policy and how to use our military. We can't afford to not keep some of our...
We have a responsibility to see this conflict through and attempt to put a stable government back into these towns that we've forced the Taliban...
Ok, so he's an honorable guy, I respect him for that and always have. I just don't think he would be a good president.
Ok. Then tell me how you would bring home tens of thousands of troops and all of their equipment, vehicles, etc. immediately, which is what you...
Since when? He's been one of the Saints' most ardent supporters in the media since the 2006 season.