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Jan 3, 2014
Nov 24, 2003
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Sep 4, 1962 (Age: 62)
Indy Racing Scene .com
electronics Tech

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Founding Member, 62, from Indy Racing Scene .com

JSracing was last seen:
Jan 3, 2014
    1. tigermark
      You did when you gave me "red".
    2. tigermark
      And no, we did not beat Bama the previous two years... thanks for the retribution red...

      Predict the rest of the... 10-28-2010 08:48 PM JSracing wrong we beat Bama
    3. paducahmichael
      please let me know what was "bad, very bad" about a positive post? Really. You're one of my favorite posters and I wonder why you thought that was bad.
      Thanks, Michael
    4. JSracing
      You will live through it John. Miles is not a top tier coach I cant help it if you want to swing on his ...... um private parts. it is what it is. BTW I love LSU. I dont have to explain anything to you. I was around in Cholly Mac days.. Before they even were on TV regularly. You can cut this out and frame it but Miles has made good on Saban's back. Ask the people at Okie State.... sorry man... if the sky is blue it just is. I knew it when he was hired. Everyone crtitized Ramah ( poster here ) but he was right. You will see, in a few years. He is a heck of a guy, morality wise but a poor game day coach. AND NO I dont hope we lose. I always pull for our team to win. I hope he proves me wrong. maybe if he can delegate more, and hire a good OC, he wont live up to what he is. His clock management skills were questionable last year.... etc so on and so forth its all in the Times Picayune....

      good day.
    5. JohnLSU
      I start a thread on how we finished 9-3 and put a pull asking if this met people's preason expections or not, and you give me negative rep, saying "no good choices." You have to be one of the most insanely anti-LSU people I've ever come across. Why are you in here?
    6. JohnLSU
      Thanks for explaining how much LSU sucks. That was great to hear! Thanks!
    7. charlie_c0756
      I've had a few days to think about it and I retract my comment. LM has let us all down. You were right to give me the negative.
    8. Crip*TEAM KATT
      Crip*TEAM KATT
      Thank Ya bro!!! She is about to be a year old...they grow up to damn fast!!!

      Stop on by any game you want the door is always opened for ya!!!
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  • About

    Sep 4, 1962 (Age: 62)
    Indy Racing Scene .com
    electronics Tech
    LSU football and Drag racing


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