TDT Consigliere
Last Activity:
Oct 6, 2008
Jun 20, 2008
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Currently, Texas

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TDT Consigliere

Yippy kyeay, Mr. Falcon., from Currently, Texas

TDT Consigliere was last seen:
Oct 6, 2008
    1. orlandotiger
      So any good stories then???
    2. orlandotiger
      Aren't you suppose to be drunk on the beach with some HAWT blondes right now and not on the internet talking to us???:hihi:

      Drink 50 or so for me!
    3. TDT Consigliere
      TDT Consigliere
      Chad just got here yesterday, and neither of us has been sober enough to type. Sorry!!!
    4. orlandotiger
      ALright already! You have had DAYS of drunk times already and we have gotten NO Chad drunk messages! What the heck man!!

      Seriously though hope y'all are having fun!
    5. Cajun Sensation
      Cajun Sensation
      Ya'll behave up in here.
    6. orlandotiger
      Nope but I will be looking forward to it this week! Drunken Chad in person is instant classic, I can only imagine a message! You. must. keep. me informed.:rofl:

      This is going to be a FUN week!!!
    7. TDT Consigliere
      TDT Consigliere
      Garrett and I are riding together. We'll drive into Mandeville on Friday night and that cuts the trip in half. You probably talked me into bringing my laptop, but not for my drunken ramblings. Have you ever read a drunken Chad message? Every one is an instant classic.
    8. orlandotiger
      Hell you might as well! At least then some of the rest of us can be entertained by the emails that take place when the liquor is flowing!

      Plus even if you don't use it oh well! Are you flying or driving? If you are driving how far is the ride?
    9. TDT Consigliere
      TDT Consigliere
      My family, some aunts and cousins, make the trip every year. I just couldn't stand staying with them so I started having them book me a condo wherever they go and I bring Garrett and Chad with me. This will be the third year for me, my family has been doing this forever. Right now I'm debating on whether or not to bring a computer. Hmmm, . . . .
    10. orlandotiger
      That will be a blast! I miss the old high school/college days in Destin! Who is all going? We are giong on vacation the 17th-21st to Key West, I am looking forward to that!

      I actually maybe working in Destin next week, we might have to meet up and have a beer!

      Let me know how it goes and send pictures!!!
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  • About

    Currently, Texas
    Attended LSU from...:
    Need you ask?


    [insert sarcastic remark here],

    P.S. :geaux: