Last Activity:
Sep 10, 2012
Dec 30, 2004
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Lubbock, Texas
Information Technology

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Founding Member, from Lubbock, Texas

Deceks7 was last seen:
Sep 10, 2012
    1. Eq4bits
      Quarter Horses; WP, Hmnshp, Halter, Shwmnshp, Trail, WstrnRdng, Reining, HUS, HSEq. And I have a hot walker :D 5 'arms', 2 speeds forward, 2 speeds reverse (found some yup's outta NOLA that didn't know what they had on the place they bought and got em to sell it to me for $150 :D )
    2. Deceks7
      That barn is just a shot I picked up. Came about because of a bammer\Barner conversation. I wish I had that hot walker. My uncle keeps several Quarter Horses on the place outside Auburn. We had Thoroughbreds here in Lubbock, but am currently horseless. My wife rides Hunter-Jumper, but after she put down her 29 year old baby we divested and she is taking a break.

      What do you ride; I see you manage a ranch, cattle?
    3. Eq4bits
      What kind of horses Deceks?
      I was gonna tell you I liked your barn pic in your sig, but since you said it's not *your* barn I'll ask whose it is.
    4. Deceks7
      Do not think I could ever party with you guys at an AU game. ALWAYS seems to be too controversial and Folk are too pissed off. If I knew it would just be a body count game I could do it. Thinking seriously about making the bammer game in BR this year.
    5. CajunlostinCali
      September 20th, party at your house? :grin: Not sure about the 21st though. :shock:
    6. Deceks7
      If you add up all the grandkids shares it is quite a bit. My personal parcel is about 50 acres. That triangle part in the middle is where I will build a home someday, and the woods below that area is mine.. My uncle farms a part of it, but mostly it is a hunting preserve for the family. I can't believe they have been devloping out that far, 6 miles from Auburn.
    7. CajunlostinCali
      How many acres do you have there? Do you work the land or do you just get lost on it? Looks beautiful!
    8. Deceks7
      Not seeing the pic, must be our firewall.
    9. lsubatgirl04
      Twelve year olds in cheerleading uniforms... A Barner's dream. :hihi:
    10. khounba
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  • About

    Lubbock, Texas
    Information Technology
    My Favorite Sports Team:
    Auburn Tigers
    My Favorite Sports Team:
    Texas Tech Red Raiders
    My Favorite Sports Team:
    LSU Tigers
    I still have a small farm 6 miles north of Auburn, in the family for almost 100 years. I am Texan by Birth (Proud of That!) and Tiger by Heart. I am OLD SCHOOL SEC, and think Shug and Cholly Mac epitomize class and fortitude more so than any coach.


    Yes, any hit that does not draw a flag, would be classified a "legal hit."
    Next question? :yelwink2:
