1. slurpy :rofl:
  2. Obama is setting this up for the 2012 election. He is trying to play to the independents afraid of the debt , his base that wants to tax the rich and make the next election an us vs them class warefare issue in order to keep the debate off of the failed stimulus pakage that added nearly a trillion to the debt, the behind the doors back room whore deals that democrats unilaterally made to governmentize 1/5 of the countries economy with obamacare and the issue of millions of mexicans flooding into the country and slopping at the trough. Pure politics and nothing else. Obama is a great speaker saying exactly what his puppet masters tell him to. Red in 3..2..1
  3. I agree with the first sentence. This is purely an election set up speech to fire up the people who got him elected. As far as the class warfare thing, it's been a class warfare for years man.
  4. And your class is losing.
  5. He's exactly right. We cannot afford the America that Barack Hussein Obama, II believes in. Sorry, but we just can't.
  6. Jeez... both of you guys couldn't find any links that were at least not half a year old? C'mon man, I know ya can do better than that.. Here, I'll get yall started off right...

    One for TT:
    (4-6-2011 Rassussen) 64% Say Americans Are Overtaxed, Political Class Disagrees - Rasmussen Reports™

    One for LaSalle:
    (4-11-2011 Gallup) - Budget/Taxes

    "Now looking ahead to next year's federal budget, do you think it should or should not include higher taxes for families with household incomes of $250,000 and above?"
    Should: 59%
    Should not: 37%
    Unsure: 4%

    Now... go beat the crap out of each other.:thumb:
  7. what are you the marriage ref? :D
  8. Why, you two married? :wave: