Xaiver Carter quitting football!?!?!?!

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by j0nathanr0y, Feb 17, 2006.

  1. j0nathanr0y

    j0nathanr0y Founding Member

  2. TigerNtz

    TigerNtz Ridley

    I have not heard that. If he did purchase the equiptment for his old highschool, it may be true. I won't believe it until it is official. I wonder if there is a way to find out more information through nike??
  3. Aubie16

    Aubie16 Founding Member

    Isn't he currently running indoor track for LSU?

    He couldn't be doing that and have already signed his contract. So either this is a bogus rumor, or he is planning on signing a contract after this track season and turning pro then. Either way, he couldn't have purchased that equipment yet.
  4. LSUDeek

    LSUDeek All That She Wants...

  5. BostonBengal

    BostonBengal Founding Member

    Until I hear it from a newspaper source or another rep. media outlit, I view this as nothing but a rumor....
  6. j0nathanr0y

    j0nathanr0y Founding Member

    I hope it's a rumor....I like the Xman...esp for track...we need him!
  7. TigerNtz

    TigerNtz Ridley

    I hope it is a rumor too!!! He is a great athlete and would do great things for track and football!
  8. olVENICEdog

    olVENICEdog Founding Member

    This is nothing new I called that a few weeks ago. Remember when I said that he was happier then a pig in $h!+ when it comes to track. I think he is smart enough to know that he wont make it to the next level in football so why waist his time and risk getting hurt and ruining his ALL STAR track career. Hey X thanks for the 2 TD's they were nice.:thumb:
  9. TigerNtz

    TigerNtz Ridley

    Good point!
  10. LSUDeek

    LSUDeek All That She Wants...

    I'd love to see what his #1 apologist Tiger_23 has to say about that.

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