1. Your response indicates that you do care, otherwise you would have blown it off. My defenders love me. Detractors fear me.
  2. This is true, but they still gossip about you.

    Detractors fear no man. They just pull deplows.
    2 people like this.
  3. Welcome back to FSA. Obama sucks worse than Bush ever did.
  4. Yes, welcome back. And da-yum, that was funny.
  5. So you're admitting interracial homosex? And Bush was better?

    I'll have to take your word for it. :shock:
  6. No. This is one of those private joke, clique thangs.
  7. two birds with one stone. fits this thread, and also the convo about todays voters not having any idea of substance and issues. breathed was ahead of his time. either that, or sadly, nothing has changed.

  8. you are so correct. everyone complains about the politicians, yet they seem to put the same criminals in office every election.
  9. Don't worry. The logic of the masses is elect the lessor of 2 evils that will eventually get us to something good.
