1. Total crap, what success and to what people do you speak of. The greatest generation of this country was during WWII, its that simple. I vote democrat as well and I have never looked for anyone to show me the money.
    What does that mean to those that I know and love, how is Reagan or whatever you're talking about a threat to people I know.

    Im posting a bunch of numbers that are facts, which is the truth, however, you posted a bunch a numbers as well and thats supposed to be truth but not my figures:huh:

    It seems like you're a bit sensitive because I oppose Reagan, but instead of debating facts, you post nonsense like this. Seems to be if its something you and your idol oppose you turn to insults. And dont tell me again to chill, you chill first or just ignore me, your choice.
  2. Shane what kind of fun would FSA be if you and Sabanfan continued the circlejerk that has being going on as of late between the both of you. Has to be some kind of balance.
  3. Authur B. Laffer, Stephen Moore, and Peter J. Tanous, The End of Prosperity (New York: SImon & Schuster, 2008).

    You should probably read it. Oh and where are your sources? So far all you have done is bitch about what I've posted yet have not supported anything you have other than with challenge. Call it what you want but like it, hate it, do what you can to deminish it but the fact remains Reagan was a tremendous boost for this country. He loved it, he respected it, and he appreciated where it came from. Perhaps it is because he is so opposite of where we are now and what do you know, things were good vs what we have now. Did RR turn away at the end of his presidency, yeah, he did. There I said it. He went away from the model he created the first 7 years. It was still the greates period of growth this country has known since I have been alive. Other than the resident hippie I don't see many coming to your rescue here, that might tell you something.:thumb:

    Peace out brother

  4. As long as you are the pivot man :D
    1 person likes this.
  5. why would i need someone to come to my rescue, I can stand my ground without anyone else. Dont mistake me for yourself, i dont need a partner to echo everything i say or have identical thoughts. :thumb:

    here is one of my sources
    Reaganomics Debate and Poll
  6. man you guys are a trip. Reagan is where he belongs. I just had this long ass rebuttal but i got timed out so i will try and rehash it the best i can tomorrow. And you can call me a hippie all you want, not really an insult to me. There are plenty of hippies and pot heads, that are better people than racist pieces of sh!t like Ronald Wilson Reagan. R.I.P(iss) Reagan to me, is Obama to you.
  7. What a backwards world view. Ronald Reagan, Margret Thatcher and John Paul II saved millions of lives by not putting up with Soviet crap. He was the last President to really understand what liberty is about. He was the last one who embodied the traits of our founders. If we had more Ronald Reagan's the world would be a much better place.
  8. I am a big fan of Reagan and most of what he stood for. But he had a big role in our country's War on Drugs, which is a program every conservative should oppose on principle. It is a massive, expensive, ineffective and endless expansion of government and an attack on personal freedom.

    Vote Whitman.