1. It is cut and dry, he tripled the deficit while in office and as a percentage of the GDP in his terms thats pretty significant to me,33% of GDP in 1980 and 51% by 1988, thats debt to GDP ratio, while cutting income tax for the wealthy and increased spending, that added to ongoing liabilities and when his super deregulation finally hit the fan, the country plunged into a deep recession, coupled with the crash of 87. Also, the poverty level increased significantly in his 8 years, so much for the trickle down effect. And he sharply opposed Keynesian economics in plenty of speeches.

    Also, a ton of people from his administration went to jail. GE, paid zero income tax for 3 years during his administration and he just happened to work for them for a period of time. Thats just a side note of the corruption in his administration, Reagan is far from a hero to me and Im not playing the race angle, because I dont believe he was a racist at all.

    He did some really good things, but his presidency is vastly overrated because of revision.
  2. Not sure where you get your numbers, Alan Colmes maybe but what I have highlighted is about the only thing you got right.

    o Taxes did drop. Top rates from 70% in 80 to eventually 28% in 86. There were only two rates at this point 28% and 15%.

    o Non defense discretionary spending was cut 14% from 81-82 and 17% from 81 to 83 and it never returned to its 81 levels for the duration of his two terms.

    o In 88 it was still down 14% from its pre 81 levels.

    o Total spending was down 23.5 % of GDP in 83 and 21.3 % of GDP in 89

    o Did I hear you say the oil business was hurt? Ha, that belongs in the new joke thread. Do you remember what was going on under Carter? You could only buy gas every other day depending on the numbers on your license plate. Ronnie boys first executive order eliminated price controls on oil and natural gas which reduced the price of oil by 50%. Try again pal.

    o Reagan policy created a boom that started in Nov 82 to July of 90 and was stopped only because of the taxes of the left. The shanghi job the congress pulled on GHWB.

    o Fiscal '89, the last budget year for RR the federal deficit declined to 152 billion which was 2.9 % of GDP compared to 2.8 in '80. A far cry from the 3x hogwash you claim.

    There is more but I don't believe in kicking a man when he is down.
  3. Same here, you could buy a home with a credit card, it was less than the rates at the banks.

    How soon people forget.
  4. and your source is ?
    a bunch of bs.
    The federal debt went from 966 billion to 2.6 trillion during his administration.

    I have nothing to lie about.
  5. How about I was there?
  6. thats what I thought, nothing I posted is a lie.

  7. I'll post them for you, however it is all written and fairly easy for you to find on your own. Take this quote from Steve Forbes and venture into the great world of learning.

    " Between the age of 1980 to 2007 we lived in an economic golden age. Never before have so many people advance so far economically in such a short period of time as they have in the last 25 years. The U.S. kicked off this long boom with the economic reforms of Ronald Reagan"

    Don't hate the player player, hate the game. You are so close, you want to believe, you need to believe. You just have to realize it is not the man that has been keeping the people down it is the democrats. There is enough dirty laundry on both sides to fill an aircraft carrier. The fact remains that one party loves big governent and one realizes that the people are capable of taking care of themselves. See ya tomorrow for part II.:thumb:
  8. And you want to talk about misinformation?
    Carter was the first to start to eliminate price controls on oil April 5th 1979
    my friend.

  9. you have got to be kidding me thats your source? Im posting facts buddy or is it hard for you to believe I actually know what Im talking about. See I believe I can be wrong about something, you should try it yourself and not think your right about it all , while using commentary from articles as facts.

    And thats pretty insulting that you cant debate the merits instead of using pseduo-racial bullshyt lingo, that has nothing to do with my opposition to your love fest for the great myth that is the reagan presidency.
    Its cool though, just didnt expect it from you.

  10. Whoa whoa whoa hoss. 1. I said I would post sources. I was hoping you would go out and find the truth for yourself. I see you spitting out a bunch of numbers but have yet to see you produce anything other than that. 2. I didn't say anything racial at all. I said "the people" if you read something into that maybe you have some sort of a complex. Lots of people vote for democrats, people of all colors, shapes, sizes, religions and so on. One thing that a majority of them have in common is they are still waiting for that one liberal that is going to show them the money. Not gonna happen and you know it. My love fest is for a Nation that was once proud and never prouder during the years of the man you try to cut off at the knees, probably because his success proved to be the biggest threat to those that you know and love, I don't know. What I do know is you are one touchy mf'er and I've told you once and I'll tell you again, you need to chill. Quit taking everything that anyone post in opposition of your thoughts so GD personal. You talk a mean game, you just don't play by the same rules that want everyone else to abide by. I will finish this in the morning. Later ....
