1. I have to say sorry for this post, I left my phone on the bar and some goof wrote this. I understand how sensitive some of you guys are and would never call you mf's. Please forgive my drunk gaff.
  2. The web brah, continues to amaze me.

    Not only a surprise IT'S DONE but HOW MANY freakin vids there were of different dogs/babes. Tell me you weren't amazed. :lol:

    kcal had to get up and go lock the door to his office.
  3. I assume you have it bookmarked?
    1 person likes this.
  4. Shortcut on desktop. I only bookmark the bad ones I don't want my kids to see.
  5. stevescookin, I followed your lead- I think we're done. Let's get the hell outta here before the cops come. *tiga holding his pants up/running away*

  6. You want your kids to see pets having sex?

    It will be very embarrasing for you when the cops snatch your hard drive on that child molesting beef.
  7. Monkey hair flyin' everywhere !! :eek:

  8. thanks for reminding me........

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  9. Did that really fly over your head?

    My kids don't even have access to my desktop screen. You can create multiple accounts for different users.

    Not as embarrassing as if my kids went to UL.
  10. I go to Ul... It's not that bad..
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