1. Kentucky basketball is like LSU football.
    LSU basketball is like Kentucky football.. maybe a little better, but not much.
    Kentucky is the elite in SEC Basketball and the Tigers are still a middle of road team from what I have seen. We should see when SEC play starts.
  2. I would never compare LSU football to Kentucky basketball you ***************** Just playing not even close.
  3. How is this guy not banned yet? He is incapable of contributing anything intelligent.
  4. Wow. No wonder people on here don't like you. I think it's past your bedtime young'un.
  5. I like fang...he's OK.

    By the way, "Fang" is the name of the Loyola wolf mascot when they were in the NCAA. My dad used to take a couple of us to see Loyola basketball games in the field house...a long time ago.
  6. You said we could hang with them which is a good statement. We could hang with them, but they are the #1 Basketball team and we are a average team. Why would you not compare LSU football to Kentucky basketball? We are both the number 1 teams in our respectful sports.
  7. n/m
  8. Do a search on dogs licking vags. I couldn't believe my eyes. There's a dam site: petsex.com :hihi:
  9. Why would anyone (but you :hihi:) want to do that?
  10. Seriously? I suppose there's a website for everything -- pretty gross!
