1. Blacksburg

    I am sure that you will enjoy Blacksburg, in fact I wish I were there right now. Very scenic area, beautiful campus, clean and safe small town. Great place to party, you can park and walk to whatever bars/restaurants you like. I'm actually from the BBG area (and a VT alum) so if you have any questions let me know. One thing we will be especially glad to show you is the woodshed.
  2. We actually have a fairly tough OOC scedule this year. We have been working on schedule strength, and at least for this year, the powers-that-be got it done. We have LSU, then a night game v. Marshall, and then its out to A&M. All tough and unfortunately all early in the season. Marshall has a good team, but they are still Marshall, we are still VT, and they have to come here and play on a Thursday night. Nobody wins in Lane at night. A&M has one hell of a home field and a good D. I look for that one to be a 17-10 bruiser of a game, but I think we take them so long as we don't have injury problems by then.
  3. Re: Blacksburg

    JB is right. Any Tigers making the trip will have a great time in Blacksburg. I'm still live in Blacksburg, and will gladly give you a heads up on any questions you may have about the area, or simply getting here. JB...don't forget that there is a new way to get to the woodshed. The increase in its "visitors" over the last several seasons has resulted in the construction of a limited access, 8 lane expressway to it! :D
  4. Swede,
    I think is you look carefully at the expansion plans for Lane Stadium you will find an expanded woodshed area. It was dedicated recently to those teams who thought that their magical "SEC Speed" was just plain better than our lowly BE speed.
  5. I just gave my Magic 8 Ball a really good shake, and it says,

  6. A portable woodshed. Now there is an idea, we have some of the finest engineers in the U.S. at VT I think we could build a hell of a portable woodshed. We can bring it to your place in 2004 when Vick part two is ready to take you out back. We could take it to UVA too, theirs hasn't been used in so long it rotted and fell down.
  7. Hmmm. Must have been negatively impacted by the heat and humidity down there in LA. It will likely be more accurate up here in the cooler mountain climate.
  8. Blacksburg

    How many of you LSU fans are planning on making the trip? If you've never been to Blacksburg I'd like to personally invite you. As JB and Swede both pointed out, Blacksburg is an awesome college atmosphere (although not much can compare to New Orleans... you guys have your own set of rules down there). Great parties, tailgates, bars. Beautiful setting.

    For those of you who haven't heard of Virginia Tech and think your second string players could stomp us, I insist you make the trip. I can't wait to see the looks on your faces when we win this game. Reminds me of those silly Longhorns who cried when they had to play us in the 95 Sugar Bowl. They said it wasn't fair they got stuck with a team like Tech (that would give them no challenge at all).

    I respect a team like LSU, our coaches and players respect LSU, and for your sakes you'd better respect VT or you are gonna be in for a long day come Sept 1st.
  9. VaBeach,
    It does remind me a little of UTx in '95 or Bama in '98, both failed to realize that the rest of their conference does not take the field with them.
    Also FYI traveling Tigers, I don't know what your tailgate drink of choice is down there, but up here its Wild Turkey 101 (mascot in a bottle), mixed with a small amount of ginger ale. Anything less than 100 proof is considered an insult and drinks other than bourbon are for the ladies.
  10. The feeling's mutual. There's nothing more fun than some good natured schmack talk. Unfortunately, we have to deal with those bumpkins from West Virginia, and it sounds like you have your fair share of A-hole fans in the ones from Auburn.

    You making the roadie, 'Saint?