Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by ashleysdaddy5, Sep 8, 2003.

  1. TexNeck

    TexNeck Freshman

    I wasn't going to come in for the WIU game but now you have me thinking. I'm hungry! Never been to a game in Baton Rouge Are there good seats available, and if so how much?
    Ya'll have a nice board here...
  2. JustinTI

    JustinTI Founding Member

    There are definitely seats left for the WIU game, which are discounted seats for students and faculty members. I'd say make the trip, it would be one you dont forget.
    P.S. I am guessing you are a Western Illinois fan?
  3. GxLSU1

    GxLSU1 Founding Member

    No. 12 LSU (2-0) hosts Division I-AA No. 1 Western Carolina (2-0) at 7 p.m.

    The Advocate made a little mistake :shock: .........We play Western Illinois not Western Carolina! ??:dis:?? :dis: ??
  4. TexNeck

    TexNeck Freshman

    That is correct, This will be the biggest crowd by far that WIU has ever played in front of. So what does Death Valley hold, and how many will be there?
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    The stadium holds over 92,000. It's not a sellout, but I guess there will be over 86,000 there. Tickets will be available in the upper decks. You shouldn't miss a night game in Tiger stadium, it's an experience!
  6. TexNeck

    TexNeck Freshman

    I have heard nothing but good things about BRouge and Death Valley. I hope the Leathernecks are getting a good paycheck for this, I watched the Arizona game.
  7. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    The Baton Rouge newspaper, The Advocate said this morning that WIU is getting $400,000
  8. TexNeck

    TexNeck Freshman

    Is it too late to pass ther hat for more? :D Are there accomodations anywhere near (walking distance) the stadium?
  9. BayouBengal

    BayouBengal Founding Member

    The only hotel I know of that is withinwalking distance would be the on campus hotel which might already be booked. It's called "Lod Cook Conference Center. I think your best bet might be somewhere on Airline Highway or Bluebonnet.
  10. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    No hotels within walking distance unless you like to take real long walks. The closest hotel to the LSU campus would be the Sheraton downtown, probably 5 or 6 miles from Tiger Stadium. If you stay at the Sheraton you can drive to the Pastime Lounge which is on the way and I know that they have shuttlebuses to and from the stadium. I hope you can make it. So far you are the only Leathernecks fan who has posted anything on Tigerforums. Your team is ranked #1 in Div 1 AA. Dosen't anybody else up there care about their football team? Where is WIU located? My only experience with Illinois other than Chicago is when I had to go to the Windy City a couple of years ago and I decided to drive. I was only a few miles into Illinois and it was about 3 AM so I pulled into a rest stop and tilted the back of the carseat back and took a short nap. When I woke up I couldn't get the seat to lock back into position and it just flopped all the way back. No way I could drive with nothing to lean back on so I got a motel room in a town called Salem, IL. I had never heard of it but I certainly had heard of the other Salem and the witches and all that. When I woke up in the morning I discovered that there was a Chevy dealership right across the Interstate from the motel so I was able to get the seat fixed and continue on my way. Maybe a good witch put that Chevy dealership there just for me because I didn't see it at night. As I continued my drive from southern Illinois to Chicago I didn't see anything but corn. Cornfields to the left, cornfields to the right and cornfields ahead. I have never seen so much corn in my life. The whole state was nothing but cornfields right up until I got the the outskirts of Chicago.

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