1. Political corruption
  2. you say, its great to be a georgia bulldog.

    then i say, its great to beat the florida gators.

    you may beat us, but at least we have beaten florida recently

    What post were you reading? He came on here with respect and should be treated as such. Definitly check out the tailgating. you will learn something to take back home with you and also make some good friends. It will be a good game but hopefully the tigers will stomp a mudhole in the dawgs.
  3. Chance of Rain........Never!! Except last game when Noah showed up......
  4. Once you get to Baton Rouge and eat at T.J. Ribs, see Mike The Tiger, have a few beers at Chimes, and mingle with the best football fans in the land, get back in your car and haul butt back to GA.

    This will allow you to have a wonderful time in the great state of Louisiana, and it will also keep you from seeing your 'dawgs' get the pooh kicked out of em'.

  5. Re: Re: UGA/LSU GAME

    No way! I dont like Dreamland at all. We have one here in Mobile, and granted the one in Tuscaloosa is better, but it is REALLY overrated. I can think of 5 places here in Mobile that have better BBQ than the Dreamland in Tuscaloosa. Its the places no one knows about where you find the REAL BBQ.

    As for things not to miss. That march down the hill is imperative. There will be a sea of people split for the band to march right into the middle of them and play pre-game. Absolutely not to be missed. Other than that, I eat at the Chimes, Mike Andersons, and Canes everytime I go to Baton Rouge. There is also a place on State St. just to the north of campus called Louis that is open really late and has great hash browns and breakfast stuff. Actually, I havent been there in years, so I dont even know if it is still there. Maybe some of the others here know better.
  6. Re: Re: Re: UGA/LSU GAME

    Its called Louie's and its open 24 hours a day. Good burgers too. I haven't eaten there in a couple of years myself but they used to have a really good seafood gumbo.

  7. Boy, he hit that nail on the head!
  8. LSU team walks to stadium aprox 12:30pm. LSU band marches down Victory Hill to the stadium, DON'T MISS IT. North end of stadium aprox 1:20pm. While waiting for the band between the north endzone and the Pete Maravich Assembly Center have a bowl of excellent jambalya and listen to live music and visit Mike the Tiger's cage. All right there between norh end zone and the PMAC (basketball arena).
  9. T.J. Ribs is the spot. The meat literally falls off the bone when you tap it.
  10. Fred's Game Day Steaks and the Big Cup Bloody Mary...the LSU greek tradition