1. I didn't see the play. Any chance that Jarvis Moss landed on another player when the kick was blocked?
  2. No. He landed clean from what I could tell.
  3. He was a good 2 yards back from the LOS. Dude is a manster.
  4. Even if he did, they wouldn't have called it, only the most obscure penalties occur against LSU.
  5. Especially on the road.
  6. Especially AT AUBURN. :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire
  7. I may be wrong, but I don't even think it's a rule anymore. It was on the books for one year and it was only called on one team.
  8. Basketball season is here, so I have alerted the officials that it is indeed an infraction for sitting during a 30 second time out. Wait till that one gets called on ya.:thumb:


    Coaches also will be given the flexibility to call two consecutive 30-second timeouts in order to allow players to sit during the two timeouts. A coach must indicate that two consecutive timeouts will be called when he or she calls the first in order for players to be allowed to sit during those timeouts. Players are prohibited from sitting during single 30-second timeouts.
  9. Ain't that the &%*#@ truth!:angryfire:po::angryfire
  10. He did land on another player. But the SEC office reviewed it and said that the correct call was made.