1. The irony is that Piyush Jindal pays my salary. :grin:
  2. I can be a sucker for conspiracy theories at times but haven't seen any from 9/11 or this past weekend that are reasonable.

    I noticed a poll that was referenced this week that was taken sometime in the past couple of years. It was something to the effect of "Do you think the US gov't was either involved in the 9/11 attacks or took no action to stop them so that it could justify going to war in the Middle East". When the combination of "very likely" and "somewhat likely" was added up, it was more than 1/3rd of the US population. That just boggles my mind that it could be that high.
  3. I can't remember the stat off the top of my head but I think in Germany the percentage is well over 50%.

    I wonder which population scores better on aptitude tests?
  4. Well 50% of Germans are stupid.
  5. The point is you may consider that idea that the population outside of the US has a vastly different opinion of the US gov't and the statements/info that the US gov't provides.

    Try and get both sides of the story.
  6. I don't need to know or understand the stupid side.
  7. Much of the planning and organization of 9/11 was done in Germany. But, of course, that doesn't fit the model for which you subscribe.
  8. You mean W. Bush and Cheney spent time in Germany plotting to kill American citizens for no reason what so ever to start wars they already had the power to start.
  9. Exactly.
  10. while the germans are certainly smarter than us, i think it is pretty clear they have a history of making some pretty poor political decisions. probably shouldnt look to them for opinions on geopolitics.