1. you guys sure hate him,.. I don't pay much attention to Goodell,.. my cousin, is a lawyer for the NFL, they've paid her to attend the last bunch of Super Bowls, the little creep.
  2. You will get the last laugh. She is a lawyer so she is going to Hell. The devil denies all motions to suppress.
    GiantDuckFan likes this.
  3. A contract lawyer, she's a good girl, a loyal Duck, and I love her,.. plus she knows Hillary personally, so she gets bonus points for that.
  4. Bonus points in hell maybe.
    uscvball, Frogleg and Bengal B like this.
  5. Knowing Hillary gets her a special place in the lowest circle of hell. Just imagine being hung upside down for all eternity with your head in a bucket of boiling excrement while demons continuously stab you in every orifice with white hot pitchforks. Then multiply that a thousand trillion times.
  6. there is no hell,.. Hindu 101 says,.. our material world is hell, a corrupted perverted reflection of the divine world,.. our job is to escape our earthly binds.
  7. ok, that's enough about Heather :) she's family.
    xlnsports, kcal and Bengal B like this.
  8. "Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren listed her race as "American Indian" on a State Bar of Texas registration card in 1986, the Washington Post reported Tuesday.

    The Post's reporting represents a previously unknown instance of Warren claiming her race as Native American and the first document that appears to definitively show Warren making the claim in her own handwriting. According to the Post, Warren has previously declined to answer whether she or an assistant filled out forms in which her race was listed as Native American."

    Bengal B, Winston1 and GiantDuckFan like this.
  9. Setting up for HRC to make another run??????
  10. Joe Biden