1. You just did.
    LSUTiga and shane0911 like this.
  2. You give new meaning to the word clueless.
  3. @COTiger I'll let you know when I give a shit what she thinks.
    @COTiger I'll let you know when I give a shit what she thinks.
    @COTiger I'll let you know when I give a shit what she thinks.
    @COTiger I'll let you know when I give a shit what she thinks.
    @COTiger I'll let you know when I give a shit what she thinks.
    @COTiger I'll let you know when I give a shit what she thinks.
    @COTiger I'll let you know when I give a shit what she thinks.
    @COTiger I'll let you know when I give a shit what she thinks.
    @COTiger I'll let you know when I give a shit what she thinks.
    @COTiger I'll let you know when I give a shit what she thinks.
    @COTiger I'll let you know when I give a shit what she thinks.
    @COTiger I'll let you know when I give a shit what she thinks.
    @COTiger I'll let you know when I give a shit what she thinks.
    @COTiger I'll let you know when I give a shit what she thinks.
    @COTiger I'll let you know when I give a shit what she thinks.
    LSUTiga and Frogleg like this.
  4. are you trying to show everyone that you can be a bigger ass than @Winston1 was?
  5. I'll let you know when I give a shit what you think.
  6. Might be time for a metamucil shake pops. Relax a bit. We get it, you don't give a shit what any of us think. You however are the only one of us to most recently shit his pants.

    Nite nite
    uscvball, el005639, LSUTiga and 2 others like this.
  7. Iconsnoozin.gif
  8. This is all that Pride or she can do, @Winston1. When backed into a corner with facts they obfuscate and then start insulting. Hell, @uscvball won't even reply to my posts anymore. I have been at odds with just about everyone on this forum at some point or another but I never block anyone, not even @Kikicaca.
  9. You need to go back and read through this thread. It's not the Trump haters who are cursing and swearing. It's the ones who are trying to defend him and they get very frustrated when presented with the facts and they start lashing out just like Trump.