1. Not at all. The media however has twisted it quite well. It's easy....did Trump say the pay raise was for THIS year or ONE year? No.

    You say they are lies. I've already told you I don't agree with your description.

    Fuck you. How's that for an answer.

    Your ire isn't my problem or concern. I'm just a "ball" anyway. Here's what I know....you ain't saying to my face that I have no guts or no shame. Every fucking thing I've said to you, I would say to your face. I was polite until now. I'm done with that shit.
    shane0911 and LSUpride123 like this.
  2. [​IMG]
    shane0911 likes this.
  3. there are no stupid people here at Tigerfan,.. but when it comes to Trump, a lot of you are borderline retarded, apparently brain dead to Trump's dishonesty. You're full of shit and I'd tell you why,.. except I already have, like a thousand times,.. so fuck it,.. you guys go ahead, gobble up the shit Trump feeds you,.. enjoy your delusion
    Winston1 likes this.
  4. We don't gobble it up. We just dont care because it hasn't mattered in 3 decades.

    Like, how is what Trump said last week affecting your day-to-day?


    This is what I mean by exposing the hypocrisy.
  5. Any time any place. I’ll come there, you can come here or I’ll meet you half way.
  6. I’ll likely be in Sacramento in March if that’s close enough
  7. So brave.....
    shane0911 likes this.
  8. watch out buddy, I think she has a concealed carry permit, and isn't afraid to use it.
    Bengal B likes this.
  9. or you're a ginormous deluded knucklehead,.. I got trouble, I'm grumpy
  10. Don't even think about stealing my forum handle. :D
    LSUTiga, Bengal B and GiantDuckFan like this.