1. Man, that clown deserves it but please pick on him in another thread. We’re trying to have grown up talk here. :D

    Go poke in that golf thread. And phuck golf btw.

  2. Iconsnoozin.gif
  3. Won't happen as long as you are posting in the thread.
  4. Now Cuomo saying there was collusion but no crime. Let it go bruh.
  5. 2020 locked up
    LSUTiga likes this.
  6. Who’s vying for the Dem ticket again?

    Trump continues to dominate the news. They’ll n very learn.
    LSUpride123 likes this.
  7. “I take your question.”

    @tirk I’d never heard that used before. You?

    Anyone else pick up on Meuller’s use of that?
  8. No. Ole bob was a mess. Nothing on fusion gps huh. The prosecutors motivation is always sacrosanct to an investigation. His purview bullshit is unacceptable. Gowdy lit him up at least.

    I didn't read any i take your question either. Kinda odd.
  9. Shyt, I had to look up sacrosanct. Would love to know what the hell you do for a living.
  10. Im doing roofing and construction atm. I was a machinist 5 years then almost lost a finger. I worked 15 years in IT before being outsourced wanted to learn a new trade and now still code on the side. I also have been driving for a company on my off days. Ive been busy.