1. This is going to be longer than most of you will want to read, but I want to get it off my chest!

    In the early - mid 80s I was stationed in London, UK on the staff of the US Naval Commander in Europe. I ran an intelligence center tracking, among other things, Soviet subs and supporting US subs operating "near" Soviet waters. We also provided "sanitized" naval intel to NATO.

    During that time, Europe was in turmoil, as was NATO, about ground launched cruise missiles. The Soviet Union had developed something (either cruise missile or medium ranged missile, I don't remember) and to counter, the US wanted to station cruise missiles in several NATO countries, including England. Many, many English were opposed, assuming, probably correctly, that they would be nuked in a US - USSR confrontation if cruise missiles were next door. A treaty, that may be about to expire, fixed all that, at some point!

    We lived in the section of London categorized as NW3. The famous Beatles' Abbey Road crosswalk, was up there, fairly close (A friend lived less than a block away) and we saw such celebs of the day such as Boy George and George Michael in pubs from time to time. A very liberal area of London!

    We liked the people around us, and socialized with them. At a get together one evening, a slightly drunk lady came up to me, got in my face, and screamed that the US was a much greater threat than the USSR and that Brits were much more scared of the US than the USSR. Very loud.

    The entire party came to a screeching halt. Everybody looked at me, so see what I would do.

    I simply asked the lady what the biggest holiday in Soviet Union was, and she got it right, May Day. I then asked what the biggest holiday in the US was, she got that right, too, The 4th of July.

    I then asked what she associated with the May Day Celebration and she (3 for 3) said the big May Day Parade. I then asked what was associated with the US of A's 4th of July. She did not know, but someone yelled hamburgers, beer and baseball.

    That was good enough for me. Finally, I stated that was she nuts, if she was more afraid of people that cooked hamburgers and drank beer on their big national holiday than of people that paraded countless numbers of missiles, troops, and other weapons to intimidate the rest of the world on theirs.

    The party then resumed, and as with most liberals she just got mad when made to look foolish, but so many people came up to me and congratulated me on that answer. These were not conservatives, either!

    Just one of the many reasons I have such utter contempt for Trump and his militarized 4th of July ceremony.
    Bengal B, GiantDuckFan and Winston1 like this.
  2. Thank you for your service.

    I can see why people have a problem with it, because well, Trump. However, I believe, just as presidents have done before on the 4th of July, Trump means to honor the troops.

    I think sometimes we just "look" to be offended.

    I get what you are saying. We can enjoy the "beer, hamburgers, and baseball" during this time, but we only have this time because of blood.

  3. Some people are making too much about it. You're right. It's because it's Trump. If Obama had had a military parade you wouldn't hear a peep about it from the left side of the isle.

    I just see the parade as a way to honor the people who spilled oceans of blood to make freedom possible. Is it excessive? I don't know. I didn't watch and I wasn't there.
    LSUpride123 and GiantDuckFan like this.
  4. shane0911 likes this.
  5. You need to get your eyes checked among other things. How you spent as many years as you did in the military escapes me. On second thought, it was the Navy.
    shane0911 likes this.
  6. It wasn't excessive.
  7. Yep it was as wrong as I.....it was well written though:rolleyes:
    kcal and GiantDuckFan like this.
  8. You should have. I did and liked it.
  9. How many tanks did you see parading through Washington DC? Did you see a flyover by AF One? It's severely lacking in facts and that's why I referred to it as a pos article.