1. Trump is playing chess, while others are playing checkers.

    “I’m not going to the f------ White House,” the 33-year-old co-captain told EightByEight magazine.

    "I'll probably never put my hand over my heart," Rapinoe said ahead of the World Cup. "I'll probably never sing the national anthem again."

    “I am a big fan of the American Team, and Women’s Soccer, but Megan should WIN first before she TALKS! Finish the job!” Trump tweeted. “I am now inviting the TEAM, win or lose. Megan should never disrespect our Country, the White House, or our Flag, especially since so much has been done for her & the team. Be proud of the Flag that you wear. The USA is doing GREAT!”
    shane0911 and Frogleg like this.
  2. Rapin' ho is madcows spawn, yes?
    watson1880 likes this.
  3. Andrew Wilkow had a great line this morning."To the left, Trump's broken clock isn't even right twice a day."
    HalloweenRun likes this.
  4. Chess
    LSUTiga likes this.
  5. I bought one....I often disagreed with McCain but he served with honor and his treatment by Trump was and is disgusting. Trump is a petty, vindictive infant who can’t hold a candle to McCain. Trump knows it and can’t stand it. If you’re a veteran you should be appalled at Trump’s actions.
  6. to be fair I suspect the original comment about McCain was just stupid commentary on his part but it turned into more when trump found McCain’s role in the dossier, then the final straw was the health care repeal vote but he needs to learn you can’t win points by talking ill of the dead
    GiantDuckFan, watson1880 and LSUTiga like this.
  7. McCain was playing politics and fair game.
    tirk, LSUpride123 and COTiger like this.
  8. While JM was a vet, served honorably and the whole POW thing, that does not give him a pass to be, well, a turd.

    For everything he did while in the military he went to shit as a politician.
    tirk, LSUpride123 and COTiger like this.
  9. And his enemies know it, which is why they push his buttons
    Winston1 likes this.
  10. 1st US president to hang his sack over the line. Air it out. And come back alive.

    Well done. Now the Dems beg for war.
    watson1880 likes this.