Trouble in TX

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by GregLSU, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. rockwallfan

    rockwallfan Founding Member

    you said it for me! "that sec team" is one we play against every year and is our biggest competition. we probably won't get the break when it involves "them". and what good are your "promises"? you a politician? recent history has shown a team can get to the cg without even playing for its conference championship. period. get used to that!
    and i simply stated that seccg wins can't be enough, for multiple reasons. do you think "that team" would be satisfied with winning the sec but not nc? once you win the big one anything less is not as filling. second, as i've said repeatedly, an conference win ensures nothing. not even a game for the nc. but then again, not playing for a conference championship doesn't necessarily keep you from playing for the nc.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2013
  2. GregLSU


    No you said you weren't very interested in the SECCG anyway. Which is severely flawed at best. LSUs goal every season should be to win the SEC, which makes us the best in the conference when we do. And i'm sure it is on their agenda every fall. Anything after that is gravy...

    While "that SEC team" might've gotten the 'Ships nod even after not winning their division let alone conference is moot... That SEC team is a Saban team, and we all know by watching CFB Live that Saban is God. Miles is not given the same leeway... it won't happen for LSU the same way... to think otherwise is stupid. If you can't understand the logic behind this then I have nothing for you.

  3. TUSKtimes

    TUSKtimes Riding the Wave

    Well, isn't Saban going to Texas this week?

    Not having to be conference champions is ready made for the Alabama/LSU series. You are going to appreciate it mightily when a one loss SEC team walks over the carcasses of some of these flawed conference winners. The eye test will get you home. It's going to be interesting to watch as the playoffs are coming to a field near you.
    rockwallfan likes this.
  4. rockwallfan

    rockwallfan Founding Member

    some people have no ability (or desire?) to connect the dots, even though, since it was recent history, ones intelligence should have clued him/her in if they only wondered "what could he have met by that". anyway, it's not moot, happened recently and can again. don't criticize to make yourself feel intelligent. doesn't work. like you, i have nothing else to say. we're both tiger fans, which is most important.
  5. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    ADMIN there mentioned last night the site had 158K page views on a Sunday. The way different people count their traffic I'm assuming he meant that specific page had that many views by unique visitors. On a Sunday, that's generating some buzz/traffic.

    It's been entertaining to follow...from the time he posted it to the time it hit twitter and from there seeing it propagate on the 'net.
    The entertaining part is the hell he's catching IE: twitter.
  6. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Why would you want Saban to go to Texas? I want him at Alabama for a long time: 1) because I want him there long enough for Miles to achieve a winning record over him, and 2) because NOTHING is as exciting every year as the Bama game--since Saban has been there.
  7. GregLSU


    I just want to watch the meltdown of the millenium... it would be extremely amusing to me. Besides Miles and LSU don't have anything to prove since we're the only team that can hang with or beat Saban/Bama consistently.
  8. TUSKtimes

    TUSKtimes Riding the Wave

    You know if I wanted Miles to leave LSU, I would just tell you it's because we have a much better chance of winning our division and that's all I really care about. Just be honest bro, we don't believe all that other stuff anyway.
  9. GregLSU


    See 2010 & 2011... now geaux away.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    1. Do you actually imagine that he can do that forever?

    2. How will they like it down on the farm when they aren't winning championships every other year.

    3. How do you imagine the imperious Nick will react when he thinks he is not appreciated for being merely excellent.

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