1. UUmm...it would be easy to mistake that for an orange. I had to really give it a looken to tell that it really is a haid.
  2. Why is it they call it taking a dump, when your not really taking it anywhere?
    1 person likes this.
  3. Kind of like taking a chance ?
  4. "You men are about to embark on a great quest to stamp out runaway decency in the West. Now you will only be risking your lives, whilst I will be risking an almost certain Academy Award nomination for best supporting actor." Harvey Korman, Blazing Saddles
    1 person likes this.
  5. Can't answer that, but I can make two observations:

    You must never change your avatar.

    You must post more often.

  6. it wouldn't be right of me to change it, if you stare long enough its almost like she is dancing to the chant of L S U

    and yes post more, gotcha
    1 person likes this.
  7. Just wanted to let you know I have nothing to add tonight....
  8. i witnessed a goal in soccer and in hockey today, live. i spent a total of 3 minutes watching each game. great sports day? or greatest sports day?

    top that.
  9. Your thread was about burgers (saw your comment in eats and pasted it here), this isn't my thread, but it is a long running one if nothing else.
  10. She took lessons from these ladies:
