1. Irrelevant. We paid our expenses and produced surpluses which paid down $380 Billion of debt. It's a fact.
  2. clinton had a surplus because of the past 2 administrations policies and a republican controlled congress. he rode the bush-reagan wave. when his policies kicked in it fell on bush jr. as did 9/11 and hurricanes katrina and rita as well as iraq and afghanistan . they can do away with SS by giving citizens the option of opting out and contributing to their own retirement funds. they don't need to raise taxes they need to quit giving other countries our money. they can earn extra revenue by getting rid of or greatly reducing corporate taxes. this will bring back thousands of companies and millions of jobs to the US. Incorporate a flat tax on all goods and get rid of payroll taxes. employees would keep more of their own money and thus spend more which means more goods sold = more products made= more employees needed. this would also force everyone to pay into the system (illegal aliens. drug smugglers, and people skirting the system by working for cash.)
    2 people like this.
  3. Before Red jumps on this...and he will...the Iraq war cost $750 Billion dollars; less than the alleged stimulus. Bush was faced with events (9/11) and catastrophes unlike anything Obama has had to deal with. Those events played a major part in the increase in spending under Bush, Jr. Obama has increased the debt through social engineering.
  4. wow, that is a powerful argument. think of all the jobs created by that. so many military contracts and billions of dollars on equipment and crap. lots of jobs. or at least lots of jobs if you agree with the idea that government creates them, which i do not, and red and obma do. how is a frivolous "stimulus" job any less productive than a job in the military that pays decent and also kills terrorists?

    in fact if you favor stimuli, a really great thing would be an expensive war because of the spending involved.
  5. You should read some history books, chief. You ain't even close. :lol:

    People can already establish a tax-deferred IRA or tax-free Roth IRA retirement account, nobody is stopping them.
  6. Disinformation.

    Non-defense spending under Bush greatly increased over that of Clinton. Adjusted for inflation, Clinton increased the discretionary federal budget by 11 percent. Bush increased it by a whopping 48 percent.

    That's not the two wars that he did not pay for. That's a Trillion-dollar Health Care Plan (Medicare Prescription Drug Plan), "No Child Left Behind", (neither of which came with funding sources) and creating the bloated Dept. of Homeland Security.

    At this date, Bush still has added more to the national debt than Obama.
  7. Nonsense. If that were so why did the economy collapse when Bush was running dual, very expensive wars? Don't evade . . . answer the question.

  8. Slowing the rate of debt doesn't mean we reduced the debt bro!
    The debt still increased under Clinton, not sure why you ignore this.. In any case, take a look at Clinton's congress :hihi:!

    Cuts aren't cuts until a balanced budget happens....
  9. because government spending doesnt stimulate the economy. you are the one who thinks that, not me dude.
  10. Of course it was reduced! It was hundreds of billions lower than it would have been if some had not been paid off. Try to understand, the debt will never be paid off until we start paying it down a bit at a time by posting surpluses.

    Look at how the debt curve flattened under Clinton. Facts are facts.
