1. No, its a logical failure for you. Since it is impossible to cut spending enough to balance the budget, much less pay down the debt, you describe a scenario where it will be impossible to ever consider raising revenue.

    Your blind ideology is showing. It makes sense to anyone with coherent reason that the best, fastest, and indeed, ONLY way to pay down the debt is to attack the problem from both side simultaneously. Increase revenue and decreasing spending.
  2. That's the Dem point of view which is the problem.
  3. People get out of debt all the time without increasing their revenues. It's a simple philosophy of living within your means.

    The Democrats don't care about balancing the budget, they want to be able to give more handouts and make people more dependent on government- controlling more of what we do.

    The poor want to have the same things as those who worked hard and made sacrifices. Problem is, these lazy bums want them without having to sacrifice.
  4. tax revenue increases when the economy grows, even as tax rates remain the same or are lowered.
  5. red, I wasn't sure of the numbers and why I intentionally left that out. Didn't mean to cherry pick but without going THERE it still seems we can't get close to THAT if people want to continue growing the government.

    It's sad and a shame for me to say but the State of our Nation has gotten to the point where I don't really pay close attn anymore. I don't like reading for such detail anyway so I close one eye and hope for the best.

    I'm fortunate to feel I'm in a situation in which I feel prepared to absorb whatever happens and be fine. It's my kids I worry about.

  6. Thats BS and you know it. Its called CUT THE GOVERNMENT!!!
  7. put plain and simple, no logical American should vote for ANY tax increase when there is NO GUARANTEE that the extra money from taxes goes to paying down the debt.


    It's not a hard concept RED!
  8. There is if a surplus is posted as it was in the late 1990's. With all authorized expenses paid for, the government must pay down its debt.
  9. You speak of the 90's, I would love to see documentation of the government NOT growing during that time....