1. Don't forget about whatever you believe that she was cleared of all wrong doing over trooper gate the night before the election.

    The media created Obama and tried to destroy her.
    The media never did treat Obama or Hillary the way they treated her, of course I'm talking about tv coverage here.
    Believe what you will but I believe some of you, in this forum are really gullable to slanted media coverage.

    Anyone would have to be ignorant to think that McCain would've had a better chance picking a democrat as a running mate.
    That would've been suicide, people like me would've voted for Bob Barr or someone else.
    The Democrats would've never voted for that ticket, some were determined to vote for a black man and some for policies of the left.

    The only republicans that might would've had a good shot was Ronald Reagan or Elvis Presley if that had still been alive.
    I agree with Sabanfan, listen to him and you might learn something.

    The election went democrat for a few reasons.
    1 Bush
    2 the economy
    3 McCain, he could've called Obama out on so many inconsistancies but didn't.
  2. Ok this is why I find this hard to believe.

    If she was like this and had no idea what these things were, WHAT KIND OF INTERVIEW PROCESS DO THEY HAVE FOR THE POSITION?

    If she is that dumb, how dumb does that make the Mccain camp for picking her in the first place!
    1 person likes this.
  3. The media don't vote. The election was lost the day the citizens decided that Bush was an idiot and not worthy of their respect.

  4. I heard Dan Quayle is still taking internet spelling lessons from ITT Tech in hope of getting a better job, impressing and amazing his friend, and making his Mama proud.

  5. I do agree that the election was lost with the credit crunch. Look back at the numbers in early September, when McCain had about the same lead that Obama end up winning with. Then look back mid to late September when it all turned around. McCain didn't handle the situation well when he declared putting his campaign on hold to go back to Washington.

    I would like to see the breakdown on voter turnout. I bet we find out it wasn't so much the huge democrat turnout as opposed to the lack of turnout by republicans. I don't think the base was energized enough and thus states like Colorado, Indiana and Virginia were lost.
  6. It's odd how all modern day Republican Presidents were stupid. Ronald Reagan was repeatedly called a 'good natured dunce'. Bush 1 was dumb, he couldn't use up all his time alloted during debates. And Jr was even dumberer. Palin is obviously a complete idiot, as was Dan Quale for failing to spell Potato. Geez, when i think of all the words i've mispelled over the years.

    Objective history, removed from this relentless media spin circus, will be far kinder to Jr.
  7. Based on information they got from...THE MEDIA. You can't honestly believe the media has no impact on how citizens form their opinions.

  8. i believe most of it too. his staff did NOT do their job. they were so hell bent on finding a woman to try to get the hillary vote, they rushed the process and she wasnt vetted thoroughly.

    if he was so intent on selecting a woman, we have a rep congresswoman in ok, mary fallin (who used to be the lt. gov.) that i would have much rather seen. and i dont even like her! but i believe fallin would have been a much better selection as i believe her brains and experience were above palins.

    i think that as voters saw more of palin it damaged mccain. it showed that his selection for vp was not well thought out. given his age and health concerns, i believe people wanted to see someone who could truely be president. she wasnt it.
  9. People are not sheep. The media just conveys information. The notion that all news that is bad for republicans is a media lie is simply a fantasy.
  10. That's half-way what I was getting at. I didn't say that all news is bad for republicans. I am trying to move past party affiliations here. My point was that the media in general, whether it be news, movies, sitcoms, anything...to some extent have an impact on the way people act, think and believe. Do you think the Atlanta Braves would have had such a huge fanbase back in the 90's before they were winning the Series if they didn't have EVERY SINGLE GAME televised on TBS?

    Take Fox News and CNN for example...neither of these networks report the exact same things. Some are the same but not all. People control what media they are exposed to ultimately, but the media does pick and choose what they are going to expose and what they aren't based on what they perceive is in the best interest of their audience. You can compare other networks outside of my very small sample and get the same result.

    Some people aren't sheep, but you know as well as I do that there are plenty of people out there that recycle what they hear and/or read and use it as their own opinion on a regular basis rather than forming their own.