1. Also saw "Bottle Shock" (2008) again on Netflix recently. I think i'd find it a very cool flick even if i didn't love wine. Loved the '70s setting and music.
  2. omg,.. wtf have you got me into
    Frogleg likes this.
  3. Anyone gonna see that new will smith movie where he gets in a fight with himself? Or Joker?
  4. Season 5 of Peaky Blinders goes up on Netflix Friday. I'm gonna binge the fuck out of it till it's done.
  5. Anyone see Brad Pitt in Ad Astra? First report from a friend said it sucked... a 45 min movie squeezed into 2 freaking hours.
  6. I definitely want to see the joker but I expect to wait for it to come out on pirate movie sights.
  7. Midway looks pretty good, I see Leo is playing Teddy R that should be good. Got my tix for Joker after Saints game. Friend said Ad Astra was slow prob wait for it on HBO =(
  8. As long as Midway (2019) does not have some Japanese/American girlfriend with her parents being in an internment camp sub plotline. I will probably see it.
    watson1880 likes this.
  9. That would make me walk out.