1. I'll check it out. I watched Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers on Netflix. I'd like to believe the guy, but i just don't. If you had a Masters from MIT & CalTech you'd have various proof - starting with your diploma. He would have made a very good to great Sci Fi writer.
    Also, the Aliens from Zeta Reticuli would not have left their ships, wrecked or otherwise, for the monkeys of earth to play with.
    watson1880 and Bengal B like this.
  2. Pretty wild stuff, I can believe him, does not seem like a wackadoo. Lazar does have witnesses he worked at los alamos and a few other things. Universe is too big not to have others.
  3. Joe Rogans podcast on the topic.
  4. Watching it now. First 30 minutes the production seems a bit to staged and theatrical. I want them to get to the meat of the story. More about the antimatter drive and propulsion system.
  5. It's not a stretch to believe the government had all his employment and educational records redacted. Lazar totally believes what he is saying. The thing that made me skeptical was when he drew the pictures of the alien spacecraft. Does anybody think beings so advanced they are capable of interstellar travel ride around in flying saucers that look like they were left over from a 1950's science fiction movie.

    Another thing is that the element needed to power the antimatter generators didn't exist in 1989 but it was later created as a man made element. If they now have the necessary fuel to power such a craft and with the technological advance we have made in the last 30 years wouldn't they be actually building and using spacecraft and other things powered by antimatter?
  6. Just watched "Chef" (2014 film) and highly recommend it. Had never heard of it before Sunday, while browsing for a movie. Fresh, engaging flick with a few scenes shot in NOLA, including Cafe Du Monde (surprisingly great cast was a plus).
    CajunlostinCali likes this.
  7. Weird, was just drudging through looking for something interesting. On the road, don't care, need a flick kinda night. So thanks, I got it in the cue.

    With or without popcorn?
  8. I guess popcorn would be best. Although i had no popcorn but had a great dinner right after.
  9. Saw "Bird Box" with Sandra Bullock. It's a great thriller - recommend it to anyone thats up for a supernatural, horror kinda flick. And John Malkovich is a bonus, as usual. (Just heard of it earlier today while browsing for movies - why don't i hear of many movies when they first come out?)
  10. cool, its on netflix, thanks for the tip