1. My first thought was that Chaney would be portrayed like a James Bond tycoon-supervillain. Then I saw a review that said it was a comedy, and realized it would be even worse than I thought.
    Bengal B likes this.
  2. Are there any good movies anymore. Writing is godawful in most everything and my expectations are pretty low.
    APPTiger likes this.
  3. Say what.
  4. I think my mom bought some in the 80s. Probably still in the cabinet. Full.
  5. Do you expect me to talk?

    Oh, no, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die laughing.
    watson1880 and tirk like this.
  6. peek a boo
    GiantDuckFan likes this.
  7. anyone remember this classic?
    heavyMetal.jpg 74heavymetal.gif e7808a6f21afdd8371c1034e11252f50.gif heavymetal1981_5.gif
    TigerTap and fanatic like this.
  8. that little Vietnamese guy is looking at her hard nipples....dont be fooled
    Bengal B likes this.
  9. Not a movie but a documentary. The Creepy Line. Everybody who ever gets online should see this. About how much power Google and Facebook have and how they use it to manipulation the masses. It's on Amazon Prime.