1. president trump correctly predicted the european energy crisis where now natural gas is 10x its normal price, and the poor will struggle to heat their homes, and described the solutioon, american natural gas, which would have enriched louisiana instead of funding russian war, but biden hugged a retard
  2. You lost your chance at further attention when you persisted with stupid, ludicrous false equivalences, nonsensical defenses of the despicable, and downright lies.

    So that was just your latest post I wouldn't stoop to read.
  3. are the boston bombers, the orlando shooter, and the san bernadino shooters muslim?
  4. He knows they are. He just refuses to give you the satisfaction of an acknowledgement because he would be admitting that he's a liar ruled by his emotions.
  5. The truth is that I'm not perfect, and there were two practicing Muslims in my very long list that rebutted the assertion that Muslims but not Christians are terrorists. I didn't lie; that was a mistake. A far cry from his and your relentless intentional lies.... the absurd false election equivalencies and document denials and misrepresentations that you know are not true, for example.
  6. By any measure, this has been one of the most successful presidential administrations in American history. Because of Covid we were on the brink of economic collapse. Biden led us away from that. Now, massive job growth and America's economy is the strongest in the world, despite the Ukrainian war. Also poised for major infrastructure improvements, green technology improvements, and a legitimate fight now against climate change.
  7. It’s weird that he chose the ones he did, to make false statements
    Jmg likes this.
  8. Every sentence a Lie. New record? No, same ol Rex, being a blind fool, wanting badly to loved by the Librral cult.

    Biden the pedophile president should've been jailed years ago for his crimes against children, including his own daughter.

    The Pedophile coming out and calling 1/2 America Fascists, is pitiful. (which I seriously doubt he knows the meaning of, He' d have to look at his own party. Dude can't read a menu. ). You're party will pay & pay dearly for foising kiddie pool Pedo Joe Biden on America. The worst alledged president in United States History.

    Take your Wind Mills & Tofu. & you're "Keto free " crap food ( the only junk left on the mostly empty grocery store shelves ) & just go home.

    This silly fuck of a president can't even fix a baby formula problem, that he created.

    Millions of Illegal Aliens coming into America. When will Pedo boy fix this? He won't. He created it & he wants America to Fall.
  9. I didn’t realize this as a satire account.
    fanatic, tigermark and Perple like this.