1. You’re a fucking moron Rex. Don’t you know PPP was written so that companies who followed the rule would have the debt converted into a grant. If you have a problem with that tell Nancy Pelosi
    BornOnTheBayou likes this.
  2. Thanks for confirming what a lot of us suspected. IconLOL.gif
  3. Irrelevant. It was a government loan.
    I don't have a problem with PPP. I have a problem with greedy hypocrites.
  4. yes, and racists, you said that already. everyone is a hypocrite racist.

    at the risk of repeating myself, you are doing it again. every situation is an opportunity to compare the behavior of people to other times and claim hypocrisy "X person says Y now, but they said thing Z another time! HYPOCRITZ!!"

    the goal is never to analyze policy, but to find personal flaws, primarily racism and hypocrisy.

    so biden is trying to enact TERRIBLE policy here. student debt relief is awful for many many reasons i can explain, you and cannot argue effectively against. so you want to deflect to accusing republicans of hypocrisy. but its a shit accusation because govt payments to business had to with forced closure of those businesses via pandemic shutdown. its not a useful comparison to student loans. nobody forced kids to buy educations that are bad investments. but they did force shutdowns on business.
    Winston1 likes this.
  5. Sanders wants Joe's job now
  6. bernie and the white house twitter are going full on hypcrisy deflection mode from their bad policy to accuse everyone who took a PPP grant during lockdown. its the liberal talking point du jour

    PPP was not a frivolous loan to major in clownism at faggot university, it was paycheck protection program to keep people employed during overreaching govt lockdowns
  7. I feel that it's wrong and hurts the poor to give mortage credits to people who are buying houses. I feel that it's wrong and hurts people without children to give child tax credits to parents. I feel that it's wrong and hurts the unemployed and people with their own businesses to allow companies to provide healthcare benefits as non-taxable income toi employees.

    $10k per individual is a pittance compared to the PPP amounts given to business owners, and not something to get enraged about unless you're a greedy asshole. Suck it up.
  8. the problem is these special interest payouts create inflation, which is the worst type of regressive tax, and it hurts the poor and minorities the most, the very same poor and minorities paying taxes to send white folks to expensive colleges.

    again, PPP was about saving workers from your democrats that wanted to shutdown the economy. it wasnt for useless educations but to save jobs from mandated shutdown.

    the democratic talking point for all criticism of wasteful college bullshit is to immediately and always defelct with a mention of PPP.

    and you guys follow the talkinng points of your masters with precision. they tell you to deflect from the issue, and specically how. and you do it. mindlessly. rex, you do this even tho you personally do not favor the college loan bailout. you minimize your own positions in favor of the orders from the top.
    BornOnTheBayou likes this.