1. Found on Twitter
    Help me understand this ethanol mandate waiver. Are we diverting fertilizer and feed/food at a critical time to make a gas that pollutes more, gets you fewer miles per gallon and can be corrosive to engines? Because that's what it sounds like... anyone?
  2. Trump would not have let this happen but keep voting for Pedo Joe and we will all be using 100% ethanol eventially. BTW what was Trumps response to this on Twitter? Oh sorry I forgot this ex president is not allowed to speak on Twitter heir Winston.

    My bad
  3. Yep, putting food into the gas tank, brilliant! There are a few stations around me where I can get 100% gas, the rest are (and have been for years) either 10% ethanol or E-85 for years. I'm wondering if the 100% gas is going away?
  4. I know a few spots. I buy race gas for my bikes and it even is leaded. If you have a nice car, do NOT put ethanol in it unless you wanna do an overhaul 50% faster. It ruins injectors, fuel lines, etc.

    You should be able to google ethanol free spots.
    Winston1 and shane0911 like this.
  5. That is the question, will those cease to exist? I haven't read the specifics only what I heard on the radio but it seems like this is going to force producers to put ethanol into everything. Wouldn't that essentially kill off the 100% gas locations?
  6. As I understand it is only allowing 15% which is stupid enough. If it mandates 15% it should be fought all the way to SCOTUS.
  7. 15% what?

    They can add up to 15% ethanol instead of the current 10%

    Or will they eliminate 100% gas by adding it to everything?
  8. Y’all see Biden got shit on by a bird. Hell of a fly by bombing.
    shane0911 and fanatic like this.
  9. upload_2022-4-14_13-35-2.png
    shane0911 likes this.
  10. Rex would have you believe its not bird shit. Its distiller grains.
    BAY0U BENGAL likes this.