1. of course they can. i can explain logical proof, and you can spout emotional nonsense and angry "proof". part of the reason our judicial system is imperfect is people like you on juries.

    what i am telling you is that your personal proof of trump's crimes is worth nothing. you can keep saying you have proof of X and Y all day long and it dotn mean shit. its so insignificant as to not warrant mention. its liek your claim that the walls are closing in. you said those exact words, and so did winston. weird you guys chose that phrasing huh? ever consider the media is putting talking points in your head?

    TDS is a powerful disease

    in time your skills of anticipation may improve.
    LSUpride123 likes this.
  2. To you with no morals and limited intelligence? THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I SAID, dumbfuck.

    Now, if there are 11 other smart, honest people on a jury with me at his trial it would mean quite a lot.
  3. see what i mean when i said the ultimate goal of the left is not to suss out an argument or disagreement, but to find personal fault with the other guys, as an attempt to prove themselves as better by contrast? this is what he left does. everyone is low morals, low integrity, hypocritical, stupid etc. thats the goal of discourse for the left.

    typical of a racist like you.
    fanatic likes this.
  4. Let's see....

    lsupride asked me about proof for stimulus package, I explained that I couldn't provide "proof" to his liking, from out of the blue you turned that into a defense of trump with some stupidity about the term "proof", and then you have the temerity to whine about sticking to an argument. You're a child. You're a pest. You're a roach who instead of arguing the topic nibbles at what you think are misstatements, no matter how relevant to the matter at hand, turning whatever was under discussion into a stinking hole of insect droppings.
  5. That’s not what you did. You threw out insults as a defense of not explaining your position.
  6. shane0911 and LSUpride123 like this.
  7. Spoken like a racist pedophile NAZI heir Rex.
  8. thats the nature of "personal proof". its not actual proof. your trump criticism is justified by non-falsifiable and vague anger. you guys keep telling me the walls are closing in. but since you evidence consists chiefly or your own righteous rage, nothing happens.
    fanatic likes this.
  9. So it's like "your truth" vs "THE truth"? THE truth is still on vacation but there are a few signs it might be returning
    LSUpride123 and fanatic like this.
  10. Exactly..personal proof is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of because it's not based in facts. People like @Rex, who live by it, are clouded by their own bias and prejudice, yet lack the self awareness to realize it.