1. so lets address the point then. you dont blame biden and the democrats at all for their historic money printing and inflating the currency?
  2. Absolutely not. The economy was in deep recession and needed stimulus. Inflation is not the be all and end all of an economy. Right now we have record low unemployment, record job creation, an infrastructure stimulus program, a pandemic on the retreat, and renewed vigor in our global alliances that is allowing us to fight against evil.
  3. The exact definition of inflation is as follows: the action of inflating something or the condition of being inflated.
  4. Can you prove why recession "needs" stimulus? Or explain in your own words?
    shane0911 likes this.
  5. See the Great Depression and FDR's New Deal. Read Paul Krugman. Learn about Keynesian economics.
  6. What do these prove?

    I understand this might be difficult, that is why I asked you to put in your own words.

    Can you?
  7. nah the "recession" was artificial from chinavirus shutdown, just had to allow folks to go back to work, not destroy the value of our money
    shane0911 and fanatic like this.
  8. You're making up your own economics bizarro world now? There's no such thing as an "artificial recession".
  9. Typically, when you can articulate why a course of action is best in your own words, that demonstrates you understand the concept fully. Can you?
  10. of course there is, the "recession" was not caused by normal economic forces but by an external issue causing labor stoppages. people were prevented from exchanging their labor for money to keep the economy functioning.

    remove that external stumbling block of virus lockdown, problem solved. letting people out of their houses was the solution, not an economic stimulus.

    so in this case i am using the word "artificial" to mean a literal "artifice" of human intervention preventing the economy from working. just let people be free and that was the solution. we didnt need govt activity we needed freedom from govt

    "I don't think this is a normal recession-recovery situation. It's not a business event. It's a completely artificial event" - Indiana U economist bill witte.
    LSUpride123 likes this.