1. What does your boy pedo joe have to do with this?
  2. Printing money means EXACTLY to inflate the money supply. You are inflating the supply of money. Thus, inflation.

    It is true it does not always result in consumer inflation if GDP is above or greater than your print rate, however, that has not been the case with our current Pedo President, Joe Xiden.
    shane0911 likes this.
  3. spelling and economics are not the same topic.
  4. bidens terrible inflation is a horrific 8.5% which is devastating to working classes and minorities. but joe dont care

    @Winston1 this is what happens when you have TDS. you elect people who are shit on policy while you worried about character instead
  5. It's not Biden's inflation, and there is absolutely zero reason to think he doesn't care.
  6. You obviously can't read, either.
  7. agreed its biden and the democrats printing unprecedented money and not prioritizing energy independence.
  8. When I had wrong grammar, you corrected me with the right use.

    You have proved that when you know the right answer you can reply with said right answer.

    When you reply like this, I can only assume you cannot defend your points.

    I would also assume if you could defend your point with facts you would as you love to call people idiots and other various insults.
    fanatic likes this.
  9. lets us know when you are done correcting grammer and spelling reading and want to make a point
    fanatic likes this.
  10. When you said this: "Printing money means EXACTLY to inflate the money supply" as though I had something anything remotely contradictory to that proves to me you can't read.