1. for starters. these aren't duck. these aren't deer. these are rare, close to being extinct. what's to be respected about this "hunt"? but i'm sure don and eric think this makes them men.
  2. straw man much?
    shane0911 likes this.
  3. Can you define what a man is? Or do you need a biologist too?
    shane0911 likes this.
  4. smart and savvy
  5. Lmao
  6. All legal. Is this legal activity your definition of sleazy? Is this the best you can come up with? Maybe you should put on a nightgown and watch the Hallmark channel. Men hunt, fish and love outdoors. If you live in Louisiana or anywhere in the South 70% of men would be "sleazy" in your view.

    For starters? What else is "sleazy" about Don Jr?
  7. i'm from far south louisiana, hoss. we proudly hunt game that's plentiful in nature. we don't pay big bucks to guides on 5* excursions to guarantee trophies of endangered species. you must be one of the inbreeds who think have no conscience to killing endangered species. disgusting people you are.
  8. Hunting leopards in Africa is perfectly legal. Why are you trying to impose your morals on someone else.

    Freaking libtards always trying to push folks around
  9. Here is a little cheat sheet for you; the only endangered species I care about are white and Asian heterosexual males and Christians, now there are endangered species that mean something. I care about the millions of aborted babies not legally hunted critters. You must be one of those inbreed liberals who think it's OK to abort a child but would put a guy like me in jail if I broke an eagles egg. Water buffalo and those other critters in your pic are not illegal if it is on a government sanctioned area where you can legally kill such animals. It appears you are just a typical liberal who envies people with money. So Don Jr can afford to go on a 5* hunt is that your issue?

    Lastly your definition of sleazy is a lame attempt to justify the actual sleaze Pedo Joe and his crackhead son do.
  10. This crackhead stuff is about to unravel and it won't be good for pedo Joe.

    I suspect the dnc is behind it