1. Exactly. It has always been this way. The end result is a zero sum to his bottom line. Doesn't mean that he will shut his business down.
  2. The issue is the effect on JOBS. Sure, he'll keep his business if he wants to but he will hire fewer employees and may even let a few go to reduce his overhead. Occupiers will call this "corporate greed" and act like Obama's tax the rich policies have nothing to do with it.
  3. what will they cause him to do less? less vacations? thats less jobs. less frivlous items purchased? thats less jobs as well. less investment? thats is less jobs. less money in the bank? that makes credit tighter for everyone else.

    are the things the government would do with this money, like go to war or fund insane entitlements better than the things he would do with that money?
  4. profitability is not affected by taxes?

    if he passes prices on to his buyers he will sell fewer items.
  5. That is highly unlikely. If I understand it correctly, his beef if with the potential for the Bush tax cuts expiring. The economy did quite well before these cuts ever came into existence, you know.
  6. Of course. It's Bush's fault. It eventually comes down to that whenever Obama is critcized. Obama hasn't fixed squat in a thousand days, but that's Bush's fault. Well, you win the debate.
  7. You can't be serious with this, can you? Nothing to do with anything.
  8. Exactly
  9. So you admit that I wasn't blaming Bush for anything with that post. Good.
  10. No