1. We often agree, just not on forwarded stuff. I suspected it was not authentic but, as you so astutely observed, that was not the point.
  2. Right. The point was that the government makes us pay taxes. Boohoo. Nothing to see here.
  3. The point was that Obama's policies prohibit job growth. If this "rich" business owner contributed "his fair share" would all be hunky dorey?
  4. i think the larger point, if we care about humans, is that the way that humans flourish and attain happiness is by being free from the time and money restraints placed on them by government. perhaps john stewart hasnt discussed that yet.

    the role of government, this isnt a frivolous topic. this is THE topic. the question about small business and taxes is a huge one. and even if this little parable is not true it is still a question worth pondering. i still contend that all taxes hurt the poor, regardless of who actually pays the taxes. i dont think this is a point many people hear or make very often. mostly because the tendency towards class conflict and jealousy is so huge in the average feeble-mided contained chaos-type person who has a very self-image based viewpoint on the issues.
  5. this is like the famous example of the guys who go out to eat and pay differing amount, then get a refund, the question is how to redistribute the refund based on who paid what proportions of the bill. we are kinda socialist these days so most people believe that money should always be redistributed to those who contributed the least.
  6. That's called a self-fulfilling prophecy. Seems to me the author is much more concerned about his political leanings than he about is his business strategy.
  7. of course he is. that doesnt invalidate his point. taxes on the rich dont hurt the rich as much as they do the poor, or pre-rich.
  8. They go hand in hand.
  9. No, they don't. Whatever tax increases he may be referring to wouldn't be enough to cause his business to go under. He's just being a baby.
  10. No but it's enough to stop him from expanding and hiring new employees or even keeping all of his current ones. Businesses won't eat increased taxes in the name of humanity. They will reduce expenses and pass along additional costs to the consumer (me).