1. LSU 2003 may be the all time greatest BCS Era team ever! What a D.
    fanatic likes this.
  2. Really? Nah...

    Unfortunately, our '11 team was really on a pace to hold that title.
  3. I can't wait to see this year's.
  4. No our 2011 team was the greatest of the LSU BCS era. It also had the great season in the history of college football. That's why it stings so much that we didn't come prepared for that final game. Who else gets to beat the winners of the Orange, Rose, Cotton, and National Championship team in a single season?
    TigerTap likes this.
  5. They were brilliant, with mediocre play at QB. Lee was mediocre at best, too, despite what others think after the fact. But everything else was so freakin' strong that it masked that inadequacy.
  6. Stacey, I respect your opinion, but I really believe the '03 D was the best we've had and right up there with the best ever. The '11 team was tremendous and almost equal in every regard, but '03 was pure nasty.
  7. It was a great defense. I'm just looking at the whole picture. The way we tore through a much-tougher SEC in '11 makes that team much more dominant.
    TigerTap likes this.
  8. Somebody do a stat comparison. I don't feel like it at the moment. Where's Tiger_fan when you need him?
    fanatic likes this.
  9. 03' defense was nasty, aggressive and stopped pretty much everything (Dang you, Chris Leak). I remember we were allowing approximately 50 rush yards a game and not much passing yards. Gave up around 11 points a game. The D-line was legendary with Lavalais, Spears & Hill (RIP). Corey Webster and Travis Daniels on the outside were very physical and locked everyone up. The way they played against OU (a record-setting offense) was the best defensive game I've ever seen in my life. The only reason OU scored was from turnovers and very short fields (both drives started on our side of the field including one within our 5-yard line). We gave up 154 total yards and dominated the Heisman winner: 13 for 37 for 102 pass yards...unheard of.

    11' defense wasn't as dominant but they created turnovers and short fields for our offense. We played some high-octane offenses that year but we 'held' them rather than dominated them. By no means were they a slouch, they just dominated in a different aspect. 03' obviously didn't have a player like TM7 who could change the game in an instant. This defense also played a spectacular game against Bama (9-6 in OT) that ranks up there as well. Someone will have to check me but I don't think the numbers, in terms of yards/game and points/game come close to the 03' team. This defense ranks up there definitely but definitely second to the 03' defense in my opinion.
  10. And that's all they are is opinions. Nobody is right or wrong, of course. ;)