1. talk talk talk talk talk. And you really think the people that put them in office, old white folks, want their medicare and social security cut?
  2. They will keep voting for NEOcons, don't worry. Just follow SF.
  3. Let's just make the rich people pay the freight. All problems solved.
  4. Your dog doesn't even believe this lame excuse. :lol: The republicans are porkers, they have always been porkers, and they always will be porkers. The teabaggers are just single-issue porkers.

  5. They WERE porkers. We listen to the people.
  6. Time will tell, Mon ami.

    And I'll be here to point them all out to you. Lets start with extending the Bush tax cuts to the wealthy. That adds $700 billion to the national debt in the next decade. Is the tea party behind reducing the debt or not?
  7. We want to stimulate the economy by creating a climate for jobs. You can't do that by stealing from the ones that create the jobs. The debt will be reduced as will spending. The downside is that some people may have to get off the government teat and learn to fend for themselves.

    What do you think Obama would like to do with that $700B. It's not reducing the debt he has in mind. He wants to give it to potential Obama voters.
  8. Wealthy people do not create jobs. I challenge you to document this tired republican line. The numbers show that they are investing it for themselves, often overseas. The trickle-down theory has been completely discredited in the last decade. If it worked, all the tax breaks the rich got would have created jobs. Instead jobs were lost throughout that entire period, sent overseas mostly. This excuse for kissing the rich's asses is dead.

    Meanwhile republicans do not want to extend unemployment benefits fo working Americans who can't find any of these jobs created by the rich. Now, this money gets spoent immediately, right here in the USA, and is a far better stimulus to the economy.

    And since when is reducing a temporary tax break stealing from them? I will never understand why you pucker up for the rich over the best interests of the middle class and America in general.

    Who are these people? I know a couple of people who have worked and paid taxes for 30 years and are now out of work although they are seeking it. One has exhausted his unemployment benefits and the other is about to. And you think its more important for people with Million-dollar incomes to have a new yacht or a summer house in the mountains from tax breaks than hard-working, tax-paying middle-class citizens to have a subsistense income until they can find work again? How do you sleep at night. Have you no shame?

    No, what it would do is allow $700 Billion of national debt to be paid down. instead of adding $700 Billion to it.
  9. Some sort of compromise needs to be made. Hell, either extend them temporarily or raise the cap on who doesn't get the tax hike. I hate when they talk about protecting the millionaires and billionaires when the cap is at $200,000/250,000. Those people aren't necessarily millionaires. I think I remember even a Democrat talking about how if you raised the cap to $1,000,000, that would take care of 99% of small business owners.

    Nothing is going to get done if both sides stand firm on their demands. The Democrats are already trying to protect their jobs for 2012 and the Republicans want Obama gone. Meanwhile, we're getting screwed.
  10. It's called free market.

    26 weeks of benefits have turned into 2 years. There has to be a limit.

    Call it what you want to. Obama wants his paws on their money.

    No. Obama would spend it and add to the debt. What's the weather like on planet Lib?